Symposium Hologenomic Data Analysis For Agriculture


We are pleased to announce the “Symposium Hologenomic Data Analysis For Agriculture” to be held in São Carlos, São Paulo, Brazil, from July 29 to 31, 2024.
As part of a São Paulo School on Advanced Sciences, this 3-days symposium will allow for a broader audience to participate. Lectures and poster presentations in host-microbiome multi-omics (genomics, transcriptomics, and metabolomics from different life domains) data analysis and integration will shed light on the understanding of the hologenome concept and discuss possibilities of application to improving food production and sustainability. Brazilian and foreign speakers, who are either reference in the scientific community or young researchers that have recently made relevant contributions to this field, will be in the program. The integration between Brazilian and international speakers and the participation of students, selected by their potential in developing current and future research on the knowledge area of the course, will create the perfect opportunity for updating and networking.
For details, go to: São Paulo School of Advanced Science Hologenomic Data Analysis for Agriculture  July 29th to August 09th, 2024, São Carlos, SP - Brazil


  • 29 de Julho de 2024, 08h. a 31 de Julho de 2024, 12h.
  • Other information


  • Biological Sciences
  • Agricultural Sciences
  • Vacancy: 50

    Vacancies filled: 20

    Remaining vacancies: 30

    Público alvo: Researchers, professors, professionals, undergraduate and graduate students in the areas of agricultural sciences and related areas

    Place: Embrapa Instrumentação Rua XV de Novembro, nº 1.452 Centro C.P 741 - 13560-970 SAO CARLOS , São Paulo


    registrations until: 20 de Julho de 2024
    R$ 0,00
    Boleto , Credit card